"A PILGRIM'S DISTRESS - Four Common Spiritual Dilemma"
By Lee Bee Teik
For the Ordinary Believer
(100 pages, ~ 5x7 inches; perfect binding)

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First Printed: 2007 BSSF #3

Gift suggestions: "Great byte-sized book to be used as a souvenir, as a personal gift to a friend/colleague and for personal self-study & reflection"!




Galatians 6:2,5 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ... for each one should carry his own load. Many are the woes of humankind, and Christians do not seem to be exempted from them. When we read through the Bible, God seems to want us to know that well. Whether current personal problems are due to our personal sins, the sins of other people or to being in a broken world generally, we do agree that all of us face problems. This knowledge seems to increase as we grow older. How then do we respond to such a condition? One way is to feel defeated, grit our teeth and endure such inner struggles till all pain and sorrow will be no more. The other way is to try to understand what God may be saying to us about Him and us, about others and us and about ourselves, so that His abundant life in us will become increasingly real each day. So we pray, so read and so we ponder& May He be our Guide as we plot on along this journey of discovery together. Shalom!

Dilemma 1Difficulties in maintaining a sense of forgiveness (having been forgiven) and assurance of salvation (having been saved once and for all).

Dilemma 2. Difficulty in surrendering to God wholeheartedly.

Dilemma 3. Intellectual doubts and questions that seem to block faith in God.

Dilemma 4. Difficulties in accepting an imperfect self, church and world.

About the Author:

Dr. Lee Bee Teik is the founding director of Reconre Ministries. She earlier laid down the practice of medicine to be with her children. In 1992, the Lord called her to the writing ministry and then to minister to His fulltime workers through pastoral counselling and quiet retreats. Her other areas of service include the training of lay pastoral counsellors and the facilitating of personal or small group quiet retreats and seminars. Dr Lee is married to Bishop (Dr). Hwa Yung of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and they have three adult children.