This book is for members of local churches. Dr.Lee Bee Teik writes with two aims in mind: to fan Christs compassion for men and women who carry the burden and baggage of unresolved emotional-spiritual problems, and to place a tool in the hands of lay people constrained by the love of God, so that they may more effectively help their brethren in need.

Aptly titled, Friends of the Bridegroom prepares and instructs the pastoral counsellor in his task of leading the hurting and the wounded to the Bridegroom for reconciliation and restoration.

An excellent guide for pastors, cell/youth leaders and Sunday School teachers who aspire to learn that they may lead men and women into the Bridegrooms glorious love, freedom and light.

About the author

Dr.Lee Bee Teik, a former medical doctor, is the director of Reconre - a ministry founded on Christs ministry of reconciliation. She is married to Dr.Hwa Yung, Principal of Seminari Theologi Malaysia, and they have three children. She continues as a full-time homemaker as she guides small group quiet retreats, writes and practices home-based pastoral counselling.

Some details of the contents:

Part I



Chapter 1 Perspectives in Pastoral Counselling
Chapter 2 Understanding & Integration of Biblical Faith and Scientific Psychology

What Really Bothers Us? The Problems We Face

Chapter 3 Who Is God To Us?
Our Distorted Image of God
Chapter 4 Concept of Adult Children Anonymous
Adams traits

How Do We Help? Dynamics of the Counselling and Healing Process Flexible Basic Steps

Chapter 5 Putting Off Our Sludge
Companionship in Pain
Chapter 6 Putting on Christs Ways
Renewal of the Mind For Transformation


PART II - Presenting the Specific Needs

What Is the Problem, mate?  Common Problems Faced By Christians

Chapter 7 Difficulties in maintaining a sense of forgiveness and the assurance of salvation.
Difficulties in surrendering to God.
Intellectual doubts and questions arising from emotional and/or spiritual roots.
Chapter 8 Perfectionism

Common Issues Faced in Churches and Society

Chapter 9 Human Sexuality
A Well Known Secret
Chapter 10 Verbal Communication
Easily Taken for Granted
Chapter 11 Rapid Short-Term Marital Counselling
For Busy Pastors and Lay Pastoral Counsellors
Chapter 12 Living as Singles in the 21st Century Community
Its Implications and Responses
Chapter 13 Nervous Breakdown
Silent Sufferers Ignored
Chapter 14 Addictions
Unravelling the Mysteries
Chapter 15 Caring for Carers
Changes and Burnout - the Long Haul

Epilogue: Which Way Forward?

Hope for Pastoral Counsellors and Counsellees
Ethics, Trends and Future for Pastoral Counselling



Price: RM30.00 per copy [excluding postage]




Where Do We Stand?
The Relationship between Pastoral Counselling and Secular Counselling