Truth and Grace are Greater than Man's Attitudes and Deeds

Brethren, do not allow others' opinions and actions to overshadow God's love, joy and peace in you... because His truth and grace are far greater than men's attitudes and deeds.


Hebrews 13:6

"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

Romans 12:9-21

"...Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer..."


There are 80 records that matched your search criteria

Date Title Category
01-Mar-2003 When the Master Pretends
When the Lord Jesus pretends to be ignorant, don’t talk too much! Instead, listen – for He may have something...
01-Apr-2003 Be an Asian
When our Lord pretends to wave goodbye, be a true Asian…invite Him in for a drink. You may yet be surprised by joy...
01-May-2003 Personally Invited?
One morning, as I prepared to partake the Lord’s supper with my brethren at a retreat, the Saviour met me at the...
01-Jun-2003 Moods
The harmony within our inner and outer lives has been so damaged that when God intervenes with His healing grace,...
01-Jul-2003 Hidden for a Purpose
To spend resources of time and expenses for periods of quietness with God seems a great waste to many Christians...
01-Aug-2003 When You Cannot Sleep
If the Lord allows us to be awake at night, He might be asking us to change our minds over certain decisions we...
01-Sep-2003 Not Instant
Sanctification, like spiritual formation, is a life-long process on earth, not an instant cure for all problems.
01-Oct-2003 Returning My Heart
When I learn to obey God in love, it does not mean that He has stolen my heart; my heart has merely returned to...
01-Nov-2003 Think About These Things
Jesus, the Lamb of God sacrificed, became the Good Shepherd; Jesus, whose poor parents were rejected...
01-Dec-2003 It Takes a Life-time
To be born again in the Lord may just take a moment but to prepare to meet with Him face to face takes a life-time.
01-Jan-2004 Repentance
Repentance is like getting disentangled from the webs of our past habits, thoughts and words so that we may freely...
01-Feb-2004 Don't Argue but Discuss
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Mar-2004 Only What We Have
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Mar-2004 Only What We Have
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Mar-2004 Only What We Have
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Apr-2004 Miracle Replayed
O Lord, to watch You pick someone up from the broken world of abuse, neglect, rejection, addictions,...
01-May-2004 Mother Prayed
Thank You, Lord, for Mother who showed me how to pray!
01-Jun-2004 Womanhood and Manhood
Womanhood and manhood are precious gifts from God. When treasured and used faithfully, they reflect some of...
01-Jul-2004 Don't Envy
Many teenagers and young adults only see their friends' material wealth and their apparent freedom to enjoy "the...
01-Aug-2004 Long sight or Short sight
If we are too spiritually long-sighted, we may fall on the steps before us. If we are too spiritually short-sighted,...